Twice Fortnightly – Back… uh, Up Over?

As the discerning reader will have noticed, my attempts at keeping up my blogging while, as they say, down under, were not very successful. I have now been back “up over”, I suppose, for about a week and I thought it was time I get back into it! I had an absolutely fantastic time on my trip, a once in Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back… uh, Up Over?

Orryn Reborn – The What and the When

Tonight I wanna tell you about a hard, writing-related decision I recently made. I actually made it a few weeks ago, but I needed a bit of time to process before announcing it publically. To basic gist is this: I will be re-editing and rereleasing both books in my Orryn Novella series, Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag. There will be some significant, Continue reading Orryn Reborn – The What and the When

Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

That’s right! I’ve reviewed my proof copies and deemed them correct, so my books are now buyable in print. Currently they are only available in the CreateSpace eStore (Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag) but they should become available on Amazon and elsewhere within the next few days. Very exciting! I’m keeping the proof copies as my own copies, and it Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

Twice Fortnightly – Back Into The Groove

After my little setback last week, this week I feel like I’ve really gotten back into the groove. In spite of a busy week at work and socially, I have: Read through a few more chapters of my current MS. I’m really enjoying working with it, but I’ve come to realize that it’s gonna need a lot more work than Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back Into The Groove

Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

This weekend, about 6 months and 10 days after the release of Going Home, its sequel Dress Rehearsal Rag hit the Kindle Store and Smashwords. Yay! Normally I’d do a separate post about news as big as this, but since it’s Monday, and since I’ve already told most people about it view Twitter, Facebook and my newsletter (which you, as Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

Twice Fortnightly – The Waiting Game

I did it, guys! I finished my edits! And I’m exhausted! It was a strange week. Total brain-blockage all week, and then edited like a mad woman all weekend. Now the MS is with the proofreaders, and it looks like I’ll hear back from both her and the cover artist on Wednesday. So today I’ve been relaxing, and tomorrow I play Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – The Waiting Game

Dress Rehearsal Rag – Blurb!

I had planned to post this on Tuesday but somehow it’s now Friday and I’d totally forgot! Bad Emma! Anyway, I now have an official blurb for Dress Rehearsal Rag. Here it is: Orryn has a room of her own, a part-time job and, for the first time in her adult life, real friends. If not for her sister’s constant attempts Continue reading Dress Rehearsal Rag – Blurb!

Dress Rehearsal Rag – Excerpt #1

As promised, here’s an excerpt from Dress Rehearsal Rag: Later that night, the dining room was bustling with it’s usual activity. A bowl of potato salad, Joe’s special and very appreciated recipe, was being passed around. They were all there except for Miranda who was working late that day and was expected to return at any moment. Charlie had ridden home Continue reading Dress Rehearsal Rag – Excerpt #1

Giveaway! – Digital Copies of Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag

That’s right guys, it’s time for my first ever giveaway! Or actually giveaways, in plural, because there are two. Exciting! To celebrate the upcoming release of Dress Rehearsal Rag I’m giving away two digital copies of it, and two digital copies of Going Home, the book that came before it. If you aren’t familiar with Going Home yet, check out it’s Goodread’s page. Dress Rehearsal Rag Continue reading Giveaway! – Digital Copies of Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag

Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!

Exciting news, guys! I got notes on Dress Rehearsal Rag from the first of my beta readers the other day. And let me tell you, they rock! So helpful. I’m going to start working through them later today, and hopefully notes from the others should come in later in the week. I always feel like a headless chicken when it comes Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Feedback! Sweet, sweet feedback!