Twice Fortnightly – Dialing it Back a Bit

You know, typing this blog post title has made be realize that the word dial is not spelled the way I expected it. The i-a sequence really doesn’t seem to jibe with the pronunciation. Aaaanyway, that is not what I am here to write about today. Not at all! It’s Monday, and on Mondays I sit down to tell you Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Dialing it Back a Bit

Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

I have had the most awful cold this past week. I don’t get (properly) sick very often, and being ill enough that I can’t work or really do much else aside from veg around and cough a lot for a whole week is almost unheard of in my world. It’s also left me pretty restless because I haven’t been so Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

That’s right! I’ve reviewed my proof copies and deemed them correct, so my books are now buyable in print. Currently they are only available in the CreateSpace eStore (Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag) but they should become available on Amazon and elsewhere within the next few days. Very exciting! I’m keeping the proof copies as my own copies, and it Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

Weird. Wild. Wacky. – ThinkKit Prompt #10

Today’s ThinkKit prompt, which I nearly forgot to do, is to write about something weird that happened to you in the last year. An odd coincidence perhaps, or an inexpiable series of events. The reason I almost forgot about the prompt was that I’m currently working on getting Going Home ready for publishing, and familiarizing myself with all the aspects of Scrivener’s Continue reading Weird. Wild. Wacky. – ThinkKit Prompt #10

Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

… will just keep coming? I hope so anyway. I came down with a cold suddenly this weekend, but I still managed to write 2k both Saturday and Sunday. In fact, I found myself at the end of my NaNo story on Sunday, with ~35k as my total word count. I had suspected that might happen for the better part Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

Twice Fortnightly – Once More, With Feeling

This past week, I have: Written ~500 during my daily writing. Uploaded a couple of more haikus, but not all of the remaining ones. Done the first two exercises in this chapter of One Year To a Writing Life Edited one chapter of Going Home, namely chapter 4. I’ve also caught a danged cold! Quite the bummer, I have to say. It’s Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Once More, With Feeling

On your marks, get set…. Jog!

I never really took myself for a jogger. I was always under the impression that jogging was boring, and then a few years ago I decided to try the C25K jogging program. I discovered that not only do I not find jogging boring, I actually really like it! There’s just something… meditative, maybe, about it. It’s satisfying as a workout, to Continue reading On your marks, get set…. Jog!