Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

That’s right! I’ve reviewed my proof copies and deemed them correct, so my books are now buyable in print. Currently they are only available in the CreateSpace eStore (Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag) but they should become available on Amazon and elsewhere within the next few days. Very exciting! I’m keeping the proof copies as my own copies, and it feels awesome to be able to place my own books onto my shelf.

Apart from celebrate this progress, and battle a nasty cold, this past week I have also:

  • Ordered a bunch of copies of the books, some for myself and some for the giveaway.
  • Actually planned the giveaway! Due to CreateSpace delivery times, it’s gonna be a while though, so I’ll let you know the details when it’s a bit closer
  • Worked a little on my big MS.
  • Posted a Worldbuilding Wednesday post. You guessed it, it’s more maps!

This week… I’m not sure what I plan. This cold I have is odd. Not much in the way of sniffling and coughing, but I am so tired. Not sleepy, and not mental tired (on the contrary, my brain seems to want to do ALL THE THINGS at once right now), but my energy just seems to plummet quickly when doing pretty menial things. Today I’ve half-way done the laundry (the boyfriend did the other half), cooked, played some Backgammon on the computer, read a bit and watched TV (so, y’know, not exactly high-intensity stuff) and phew… I’m beat! So consequently, I didn’t do my productivity blocks today and will be home from work at least tomorrow. I am not interested in exerting myself needlessly and risking being ill for longer, so until I feel somewhat back to normal I’m not going to be doing my blocks or planning much really. That means no goals for this week! I’ll still work on stuff, probably mostly my current MS and some NaNo prep, but I don’t wanna stress out about to-dos.

If, as I hope, I’m right as rain again in a day or two, I can always think up some goals then. Good night for now!

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