Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

This weekend, about 6 months and 10 days after the release of Going Home, its sequel Dress Rehearsal Rag hit the Kindle Store and Smashwords. Yay! Normally I’d do a separate post about news as big as this, but since it’s Monday, and since I’ve already told most people about it view Twitter, Facebook and my newsletter (which you, as Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Dress Rehearsal Rag is out! And onwards.

Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

This has been a very productive week on a theoretical level, and a slightly less productive week on a practical level. I’ve made some “big choices” , as it were, about my current writing projects and it feels great to put some of my questions marks behind me. The biggest of the two choices was settling on a path to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

Tribe News: 2 New Releases and 1 Upcoming

One of the things that I love most about being a writer and, I think, one of the driving factors behind how far I’ve come in the past year, is the wonderful “writer tribe” I’ve found myself a part of through the magic of the interwebs. Having “colleagues” who can share advice and experience, offer encouragement and understand your struggles Continue reading Tribe News: 2 New Releases and 1 Upcoming