Orryn Reborn – The What and the When

Tonight I wanna tell you about a hard, writing-related decision I recently made. I actually made it a few weeks ago, but I needed a bit of time to process before announcing it publically. To basic gist is this: I will be re-editing and rereleasing both books in my Orryn Novella series, Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag. There will be some significant, and in a way not that significant, changes made. I have already disabled purchasing for the Createspace paperback version of the books and will re-enable them once the new versions are finished, but the Kindle edition is still available since those will upgrade automatically to the new version without anyone needing to make a new purchase.

The What

The main purpose of this edit and re-release is to remove the magic elements of the story. That might seem like a bit of a drastic step, but I am convinced the books will be better off for it. The magic was something I now feel I should’ve taken out from the start, and I will post more in-depth about why that is at a later date.

There’s one or two other things I want to poke “while I’m in there”, too, but the magic is the primary reason for doing it.

The When

I am not quite ready to start this little vivisection of my literary first-born just yet, but I will begin in the next few weeks, most likely. I’d like to have it all done during this spring. Idealy, I’d like to have the print-on-demand paperbacks ready for when I go to New Zealand (!!!) and LexiCon in June, but CreateSpace has quite long shipping times so I’m not sure if I’ll manage that. We’ll see.


I will be posting a few times here on the blog about various aspects of the re-editing process over the next few months, and I will also be posting more frequent progress updates over on my Patreon, which I’m sort of hoping to get off the ground a bit this year. Anyway, that’s it for my big news today! I’ll be back on Monday with my usual update, and in a few weeks to talk about the reasons behind these changes I’m making to the Orryn Novellas.

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