Giveaway – 4 Days Left! – Prints and Bookmarks are Here!

That’s right, the prints for the giveaway finally arrived! Or, I should say, the print, because the second one is for me! Hah! If you don’t know which giveaway I’m talking about, check out this post for the full details! The print depicted above is my copy, the winner’s copy is still all safely wrapped in bubblewrap! The bookmarks also arrived Continue reading Giveaway – 4 Days Left! – Prints and Bookmarks are Here!

Giveaway – Paperback of Going Home + Original Artwork + Bonus!

It’s giveaway time! To brighten up this grey November, I’m going to be giving away printed copies of my debut novella, Going Home, some book swag and an exclusive piece of art, commissioned just for this giveaway! Cool, no? For any readers who are unfamiliar with it, Going Home is a family drama in a dystopian setting and deals with childhood Continue reading Giveaway – Paperback of Going Home + Original Artwork + Bonus!

Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!

That’s right! I’ve reviewed my proof copies and deemed them correct, so my books are now buyable in print. Currently they are only available in the CreateSpace eStore (Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag) but they should become available on Amazon and elsewhere within the next few days. Very exciting! I’m keeping the proof copies as my own copies, and it Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Paperbacks now available!