Flash Fiction Friday – Theories

Gosh it’s been a while since flash fiction Friday happened, huh? This piece is based on a prompt (the first line) from ServiceScape.com, but I feel like I took it in a bit of a unique direction. Hope you enjoy it! Theories There had been many theories about how she had been murdered. The cops that were first on the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Theories

Flash Fiction Friday – The Ground Where She Used To Walk

I don’t know quite where this one came from, it just did. Enjoy! The Ground Where She Used To Walk “So…” I say as we step further into the orchard, where the branches of the apple trees are bent low with fruit not quite yet ready for picking. “When are you going to tell Grandmother?” Lia doesn’t answer me right Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Ground Where She Used To Walk

Flash Fiction Friday – Souvenirs

Another Friday, another snippet based on a dream. The title makes little sense, to be honest, but I didn’t know what else to name it. Enjoy! Souvenirs “Auntie!” I catch them as they’re leaving the house, a whole clutch of young cousins and second cousins rotating around my aunt Pam and her friend Mary from next door who won’t let Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Souvenirs

Flash Fiction Friday  – The Map

Today’s piece of flash fiction isn’t based on a prompt. It came to me while in the car on the way to a family thing this weekend. My dad asked my to read the map while he drove, which my mom usually does but she was going there view a different route so she wasn’t with us. Here it is: Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday  – The Map

Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter weekend, Christians, heathens and others alike! I’ve spent a few days in the countryside, in my parents’ summerhouse, enjoying good food, board games and good company, but only semi-decent weather. As I normally do, I slightly overestimated how much writing I’d get done while away. Or rather I underestimated how much time Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

A Single Word – ThinkKit Prompt #30

Today’s ThinkKit prompt, the second to last of the year, is to try and find a word with which to sum up your year. Well, I’ve got a word for you: milestones. This year, I published my first book. My boyfriend moved here from Canada. I finally finished a course that’s been tormenting me for a couple of years. And I Continue reading A Single Word – ThinkKit Prompt #30

A Thousand Words – ThinkKit Prompt #1

So, here we are! December 1st, and the first day of the ThinkKit December blogging prompts. Today’s prompt is called A Thousand Words and challenges bloggers to share their year in photos, and talk about the role photos play in their lives. 2014 has been a year of ups and downs, the downs mostly involving stress around school and bad time Continue reading A Thousand Words – ThinkKit Prompt #1

One Year to a Writing Life – August – Poetic Prose and the Prose Poem

It’s already a good bit into September, but I had some trouble finishing the last exercise from the eighth chapter of One Year to a Writing Life. The chapter was entitled Poetic Prose and the Prose Poem and dealt, quite obviously, with the prose poem and poetic elements in prose. I enjoyed this chapter and the exercises quite a bit, in Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – August – Poetic Prose and the Prose Poem

Twice Fortnightly – Once More, With Feeling

This past week, I have: Written ~500 during my daily writing. Uploaded a couple of more haikus, but not all of the remaining ones. Done the first two exercises in this chapter of One Year To a Writing Life Edited one chapter of Going Home, namely chapter 4. I’ve also caught a danged cold! Quite the bummer, I have to say. It’s Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Once More, With Feeling

Sister, Soulmate, Star

When I was in primary school, there was a girl who I greatly admired. She was wonderful: pretty, sweet, funny, she could sing and draw just like from a Disney movie and she had all the coolest toys! I wanted to play with her all the time. Maybe even a bit more often than that. We drifted apart for a few years Continue reading Sister, Soulmate, Star