Twice Fortnightly – Logging Lapse

Last week was a weird week, writing wise. I noted down a total of 7h in my writing log of my 10h goal (would’ve been 9h except I folded to my conscience and spent my Sunday evening reading for class)… but I could swear I did more writing than that! I keep looking at the log and going “but surely Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Logging Lapse

Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Time Off

This week, I took time off work to focus on my writing. This morning, I woke up with my throat feeling like sandpaper. Typical. Hopefully I’ll get some stuff done anyway. But first, the recap of last week: I spent 7h writing. I worked a little on #12for12stories but didn’t finish the draft. I attended a write-in and worked on Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Time Off

Twice Fortnightly – Oh, it’s Monday!

Monday night. Long day. Can’t brain. Here’s week: Wrote for 7h. For once didn’t cram 2-3h into Sunday evening. Did Flash Fiction Friday. Started working on my February #12for12stories. It’s about a vampire. Brainstormed about the 3rd (and fourth) Orryn novella as well as the Orryn 1+2 rewrites. Did some conlanging, which I’ve been getting into lately but not really mentioned yet. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Oh, it’s Monday!

Twice Fortnightly – Bit of a Slump

Last week wasn’t great, writing wise. I was busy, I was tired, and I also planned my time badly. So what I ended up doing was this: Spent about 6h on writing. Disappointed about that one. Posted for Flash Fiction Friday. Picked a story for my #12for12stories short, but didn’t look at it yet. Had a crit group meeting, productive as Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Bit of a Slump

Twice Fortnightly – Linguistic Love, and News to Come

I have started my, effectively, second week of school and can I just say: holy shit I love linguistics! I mean, technically I’ve been doing linguistics for a while now, but there’s a big difference between working independently, and very very slowly, on a paper and going to actual lectures with reading and fun examples and exercises. It’s just such Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Linguistic Love, and News to Come

Twice Fortnightly – School’s On!

School has now officially started for me, and so far I’m off to a good start! Weird to go from barely having classes to having classes 4 days the same week, though. Writing wise, last week I: Posted a weird little Flash Fiction Friday. Edited the rest of ABMF, but did not start on the outline. Finished my #12for12stories January Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – School’s On!

Twice Fortnightly – 20/20!!!

Oh my god, you guys, I did it! 20 hours of writing or writing-relevant work (research, editing, and in this case: conlanging!) in one week! I’m so proud of me! Yay! Okay, so I did stay up until about 2am last night even though I had to be at work early-ish today but… worth it! I probably wouldn’t have managed if Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – 20/20!!!

Twice Fortnightly – Hello, 2017!

Hi guys! Hope you all have had a good start to 2017. I’ve had a pretty good one myself, I must say. Calm days, working on some long-term planing and centering myself for the coming years, done a bit of cooking and also watched the first two Harry Potter movies (doing one/evening until I start work again in a week). Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Hello, 2017!