Twice Fortnightly – My Vacation Starts When?

Ho, boy! I do not feel like someone on vacation. Technically I’ve been off since Friday but the weekend, including Friday and today have been super busy, both with day job things and other things. Still, tomorrow I should get the last of the urgent day job stuff and some cleaning out of the way, and then I’ll be able to settle Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – My Vacation Starts When?

Twice Fortnightly – Almost Drafted!

What a week! It seems spring has come to Stockholm and I’ve been enjoying the lovely weather as well as doing a lot of writing. Here’s what I’ve done: Drafted chapters 15-19 of Dress Rehearsal Rag. It’s weird, I’m not sure why I had this as my goal since the plan was to only have 20 chapters and it’s odd to leave Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Almost Drafted!

Twice Fortnightly – Heaps of Progress

I’ve had on of those wonderfully energetic weeks where you accomplish a lot but it doesn’t feel like you’ve done that much. Yay for those! I hope to carry on the trend into next week. The work with the sequel is going really well. I’m very happy with how it’s shaping up this time around, and it’s always nice when Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Heaps of Progress

Twice Fortnightly – Back in the saddle!

Somehow it became Tuesday again. Whoops! I guess you lose track of the days when you’re busy. This week I have: Done my daily writing, mostly anyway. Printed the sequel to Going Home and started reading through it. Before I started I was convinced I’d scrap the first couple of chapters and start later, but now I’m not so sure. I Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back in the saddle!

Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

My long, lovely winter vacation is about to come to an end. Tomorrow I print the sequel to Going Home to read through it and start planning how to restructure it, and on Wednesday I go back to work. It feels… good and bad. It’ll be nice to get back into the groove of things, but it’s also been sooo nice to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

One Year to a Writing Life – November – Rewriting

The 11th, and second to last, chapter of One Year to a Writing Life is about rewriting. I’ll confess that due to NaNo and the impending release of Going Home, I haven’t managed to put quite as much time into the exercises as I normally do. The chapter featured a quite comprehensive list of things to look at when rewriting and editing (figurative language, Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – November – Rewriting