Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Oh hey, it’s a flash fiction Friday post! It’s been a while, or at least it feels like it. This piece is inspired by my partner sleep-talking, and me being in a mood for the (perhaps) unexpected. Hope you enjoy! Dreams and Rebels “How’sa rebellion?” Jac and I shot each other a look over Cal’s snoozing, sleep-talking form. He mumbled Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine

I wasn’t going to catch up on Flash Fiction Friday after I missed it yesterday, but then I had a tiny, very silly idea. Here you go: Aquamarine Steph awoke, and for a moment she wasn’t sure why she felt so amused. As the dream came back to her, she chuckled softly and rubbed her face. Ridiculous… She reached for Continue reading Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine

Flash Fiction Friday – Magpie Clones

 Have you ever had one of those dreams where things seem rather normal but then suddenly there’s one detail that just doesn’t make sense, a little thing that makes you go “this isn’t really happening, is it?”. Last night I dreamed we had a dog. Great dream, great dog. Except after a while dream-me remarked to dream-spouse “huh, that’s odd. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Magpie Clones

Flash Fiction Friday – The Jailbreak

It’s been such a long time since I posted something for flash fiction Friday! But tonight, since I’ve realized my Camp NaNo project, which I thought was a 10-15k short, has ballooned into a 25k+ novella which I therefore won’t be able to actually finish by the end of the month, I decided to take some time for flash fiction Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Jailbreak

Twice Fortnightly – 1hp Beholder

Friday! That means flash fiction! This piece is based on a dream I had last night. Check it out: “Hey… hey, look…” I felt Tam’s hand tapping on my shoulder but didn’t want to turn away from my book. “Mm…” I said. “Hey look!” she said again, louder now, and I sluggishly raised my head. Her eyes were wide as Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – 1hp Beholder

Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body

Tonight’s flash fiction piece is vaguely inspired by a dream I had the other day, though the tone in this is quite different from the dream: She sat in front of the tank for several hours the day before. The body was awe-inspiring, tall and powerful, silicone skin flawless. The red lips were parted slightly, showing a row of brilliant Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body

Flash Fiction Friday- Shadow Wolves

For once, my Flash Fiction Friday piece wasn’t written today. Let’s get right to it: “Do not provoke me, little pup!” she spat, opening her fingers wide with a flourish of her wrist. Ana didn’t flinch, stood as tall as ever. They were face to face, just a foot or two apart, and neither would budge. In the corner of my eye Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday- Shadow Wolves

Flash Fiction Fraturday – Go Time

Last night was one of those nights when I started everything way too late, and thus by the time I got to Flash Fiction Friday on my to-do list I was far too tired to actually do it. Almost made the same mistake again today, but I caught myself in time (yay me!). Here’s a random little thing based on something Continue reading Flash Fiction Fraturday – Go Time

Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Tonight I dreamed of vampires, boarding schools and rebellion, so I wrote this little piece (a bit sloppy because it’s late and I’m sleepy). Hope you like it. Tonight was the night. They would try to rise, and if they failed at least they would finally fall. She stopped for a moment, peeking out through the crack in the door. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Flash Fiction Friday – Games

It’s been a while since I did Flash Fiction Friday! Feels good to be back to it. No Dixit card tonight, instead I bring you a random scene. It was inspired by a dream I had the other night, just a short scene that gave me an idea for a detail to add to a culture in my worldbuilding. Here, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Games