#AdventBoost Day 22 – Antonius M. Hogebrandt

Today I’m adventboosting a fellow Swede! I’ll be honest: I don’t know/follow a ton of Swedish creatives. I don’t know why that is, probably mostly a consequence of how dominant the Anglosphere tends to be on the social media sites I use. But that’s a topic for another day, perhaps.. Today I’m boosting Antonius M. Hogebrandt, a speculative fiction writer Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 22 – Antonius M. Hogebrandt

Flash Fiction Friday – The Final Battle

Hi guys! Hope y’all are having a lovely day. Today it’s Friday, so it’s time for some flash fiction. Today I’m doing a Dixit-inspired image prompt piece. It’s been a long while since I did one of those, don’t you think? For those of you who don’t know, Dixit is possibly my favorite board game and features amazing, fantastical illustrations Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Final Battle

Flash Fiction Friday – I Broke the World For Us (A mini Critical Role Tribute)

As I believe I’ve previously mentioned, I am a big fan of the Dungeons & Dragons stream Critical Role. The arc I’m watching right now (the Whitestone storyline, for the initiated) is so ridiculously good I simultaneously struggle to turn it off in the evening, and have to take pauses and pace around the apartment intermittently because OMG THE TENSION! I Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – I Broke the World For Us (A mini Critical Role Tribute)

Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Tonight I dreamed of vampires, boarding schools and rebellion, so I wrote this little piece (a bit sloppy because it’s late and I’m sleepy). Hope you like it. Tonight was the night. They would try to rise, and if they failed at least they would finally fall. She stopped for a moment, peeking out through the crack in the door. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Flash Fiction Friday – The Child, The Other

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been getting into tabletop RPGs lately. Naturally, one of the games on my “to play” list is the true giant of the genre, Dungeons and Dragons. I’m watching a few D&D streams right now, my favorite being the truly amazing Critical Role. The other day, I came up with a character concept that I absolutely adore Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Child, The Other