Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

It’s not terribly uncommon for me to write flash fic based on my own dreams but today I’m coming at you with a twist – flash fic based on my spouse’s dream. A silly piece that I hope you enjoy! Is this your wormling? Amir was enjoying his entree and the fact that all of the people sitting near him Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter

I used a prompt generator, a Discord bot called Writer-Bot, for my prompt tonight. The line was “I had never woken up in the middle of an impact crater before”. I changed it to present tense, and am pretty happy with the results. Enjoy! Hunter I have never woken up in the middle of an impact crater before. All told, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter

Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Oh hey, it’s a flash fiction Friday post! It’s been a while, or at least it feels like it. This piece is inspired by my partner sleep-talking, and me being in a mood for the (perhaps) unexpected. Hope you enjoy! Dreams and Rebels “How’sa rebellion?” Jac and I shot each other a look over Cal’s snoozing, sleep-talking form. He mumbled Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

The title of today’s flash fiction post, Språkförbistring, is a Swedish word I haven’t really found an English translation I like for. It refers to the idea of communication failing due to speaking past each other or just not understanding the language being used. It’s apparently used in the Swedish Bible to refer to the whole Tower of Babel thing, but Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

Flash Fiction Friday – My Name is TAI

I was talking with my boyfriend yesterday about tropes for artificial intelligences in fiction, and thought to myself that it would be interesting to see an AI character that wanted to make the world better for humans rather than being willing to sacrifice humans for the sake of humanity (if that makes sense). This scene didn’t turn out to be quite that, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – My Name is TAI

Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body

Tonight’s flash fiction piece is vaguely inspired by a dream I had the other day, though the tone in this is quite different from the dream: She sat in front of the tank for several hours the day before. The body was awe-inspiring, tall and powerful, silicone skin flawless. The red lips were parted slightly, showing a row of brilliant Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The New Body