Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Oh hey, it’s a flash fiction Friday post! It’s been a while, or at least it feels like it. This piece is inspired by my partner sleep-talking, and me being in a mood for the (perhaps) unexpected. Hope you enjoy! Dreams and Rebels “How’sa rebellion?” Jac and I shot each other a look over Cal’s snoozing, sleep-talking form. He mumbled Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dreams and Rebels

Flash Fiction Friday – The Matchmaker

I saw this anecdote (maybe true, maybe not, no idea) somewhere on the net today about a farmer who caught his wife with one of his farmhands, and when the farmhand started to pack his stuff the farmer said they could both love her and if that wasn’t enough he’d hire another farmhand to help out. I thought that was Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Matchmaker

Adventboost 2017 – Day 22 – 195 Lewis

Last year, I boosted the webseries Compersion! This year I’ve got a recommendation for another black, polyamorous show: 195 Lewis 195 Lewis is a super cool webseries about a group of black, queer, polyamorous women in NYC. I heard about it quite a while back, but it wasn’t out yet them so it’s just been sitting in my bookmarks. As Continue reading Adventboost 2017 – Day 22 – 195 Lewis

Adventboost 2017 – Day 18 – Unicornland

Another day, another “Hey I posted a similar thing this day last year!”. Last year, I wrote about the polyamory-themed YouTube show Compersion, and today I’m here to tell you about a different one: Unicornland Unicornland is an 8 episode web series about Annie, who has recently gotten divorced and is exploring having sex with couples! And it really does Continue reading Adventboost 2017 – Day 18 – Unicornland

Twice Fortnightly – School’s On!

School has now officially started for me, and so far I’m off to a good start! Weird to go from barely having classes to having classes 4 days the same week, though. Writing wise, last week I: Posted a weird little Flash Fiction Friday. Edited the rest of ABMF, but did not start on the outline. Finished my #12for12stories January Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – School’s On!

#AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

I’ve got something a bit different for you today: a web series! A polyamory-themed web series, at that! Compersion by Enchant TV is a web series about a monogamous couple that decide to open their marriage and try polyamory. You can watch it on YouTube over here. There’s one season of 13 episodes out so far, and they’re about 10-15 Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 18 – Compersion by Enchant TV

#AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll

Today is a second Sunday of advent and I have an extra special boost for you all. Now obviously, I only rec things I like, but this one is a special favorite! It is hands down the best book I’ve read this year: Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll. Poison Kiss is a fantasy (poly) romance novel about Rose, a young woman who Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll