Flash Fiction Friday – Later

Seems like all my flash fic pieces are based on dreams lately. Well, this one isn’t so much based on a dream, as vaguely derived from one. Hope you like it! Later Her hand tightens around her staff and she quietly gets to her feet, drawing herself up to her full height in the shadow of the trees. The campfire Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Later

Flash Fiction Friday – Claw Marks

Flash fic! Yay! I feel like I’ve written something very similar to this before, but I haven’t had time to dig into my archives to find out so I’m really not sure. Hope you like it! Claw Marks She looks at herself in the mirror, and finds three marks, the palest of pink, drawing a soft curve from her hairline Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Claw Marks

Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

This little snippet isn’t based on a dream, but it’s sort of a prequel of a story I want to write based on a dream. I hope you enjoy it! Practice makes Plummet I finish another set of breathing exercises and drink a small glass of water with a few drops of that tincture the Ambassador gave me to keep Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

Flash Fiction Friday – An excess of ranch

Just a little thing based on a dream πŸ™‚ Hope you enjoy it! An excess of ranch The first few time it had happened, I didn’t even really notice. I mean, it’s hardly unheard of, waking up in the morning and realizing that you had a packet of milk left after all, even though you thought you were out. If Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – An excess of ranch

Flash Fiction Friday – Souvenirs

Another Friday, another snippet based on a dream. The title makes little sense, to be honest, but I didn’t know what else to name it. Enjoy! Souvenirs “Auntie!” I catch them as they’re leaving the house, a whole clutch of young cousins and second cousins rotating around my aunt Pam and her friend Mary from next door who won’t let Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Souvenirs

Flash Fiction Friday – Weresnakes and Pinefores

A silly little piece based on a dream I had last night. I’m not sure it was actually a cute dress, but I sure thoughts so in the dream! Anyway, enjoy! Weresnakes and Pinefores  “Oh hey, there’s that dress we were looking at the other day.” Belinda stopped, catching Rim by the arm to stop her too, and pointing at Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Weresnakes and Pinefores

Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

It’s not terribly uncommon for me to write flash fic based on my own dreams but today I’m coming at you with a twist – flash fic based on my spouse’s dream. A silly piece that I hope you enjoy! Is this your wormling? Amir was enjoying his entree and the fact that all of the people sitting near him Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

Flash Fiction Friday – Falling, Flying

I was poking about my Scrivener files last night and found a little thing, just two sentences, that I wrote back in 2015. I think I got the idea from a dream, and it’s just been sitting there since. I guess it just spoke to me somehow, so here it is in a little more detail: Falling, Flying The wind Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Falling, Flying

Flash Fiction Friday – Judgement

I feel like I say this every time I post these days but: wow, it’s been a while, huh? Anyway, here is a slightly macabre little piece, inspired by something I dreamed this morning. I hope you enjoy it! Judgement Alena saw a figure moving through the dark.  They had all stepped into the Hall and sat down on the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Judgement

Flash Fiction Friday – When?

Tonight’s flash fiction is based on what might be the worst night of my life. In real life, though, the “the texts were from him all along!”-twist was only a dream, and my friend came back the next morning, all smiles. Hope you enjoy this darker reality: When? I knew all along that it was a bad idea. Zoe off Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – When?