Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

This little snippet isn’t based on a dream, but it’s sort of a prequel of a story I want to write based on a dream. I hope you enjoy it! Practice makes Plummet I finish another set of breathing exercises and drink a small glass of water with a few drops of that tincture the Ambassador gave me to keep Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

It’s not terribly uncommon for me to write flash fic based on my own dreams but today I’m coming at you with a twist – flash fic based on my spouse’s dream. A silly piece that I hope you enjoy! Is this your wormling? Amir was enjoying his entree and the fact that all of the people sitting near him Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter

I used a prompt generator, a Discord bot called Writer-Bot, for my prompt tonight. The line was “I had never woken up in the middle of an impact crater before”. I changed it to present tense, and am pretty happy with the results. Enjoy! Hunter I have never woken up in the middle of an impact crater before. All told, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter