Flash Fiction Friday – Claw Marks

Flash fic! Yay! I feel like I’ve written something very similar to this before, but I haven’t had time to dig into my archives to find out so I’m really not sure. Hope you like it! Claw Marks She looks at herself in the mirror, and finds three marks, the palest of pink, drawing a soft curve from her hairline Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Claw Marks

Flash Fiction Friday – Chibi Cow

I don’t know y’all. It’s a cow. It’s cute. That’s all I’ve got. Chibi Cow The cow, as it turned out, was the least of Lacey’s problems. When she’d come home from work that Tuesday and found it on her front steps, she’d been rather stressed about it, but as the days slunk past the stress of suddenly having a Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Chibi Cow

Camp NaNo Inspiration

Inspiration can come from all kinds of things, from the mundane to the fantastic. My current project for Camp NaNoWriMo has been inspired by, among other things and in no particular order: River Song from Doctor Who Vests and bodices The color blue Zhaan from Farscape The notion of identity Spiders Axolotls The combination of white, black and burgundy Non-traditional relationships and chosen Continue reading Camp NaNo Inspiration