Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…

…of printer ink! This is the MS for my next big project. Rougly 105 pages which took my wee printer a good long time to write. I drafted this project during Camp NaNo in April, and it is chaos! It’s totally anachronic (not in a good way!) and has a bunch of viewpoint characters with very different lenghts of sections (two have Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…

Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

So, today I went back to my day job. I was ambivalent about it, but now that I’m back it mostly feels good. I’ve missed my colleagues! The only real bummer is it leaves less time for my creative work. With that in mind, I’ve revised my “productivity block” system to get a little more out of the days (two Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work

Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

This has been a very productive week on a theoretical level, and a slightly less productive week on a practical level. I’ve made some “big choices” , as it were, about my current writing projects and it feels great to put some of my questions marks behind me. The biggest of the two choices was settling on a path to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Decisions Made

Twice Fortnightly: Modest Progress

This past week I’ve: Written ~500 words during my daily writing, including two bad haikus and something which might become a post-apocalyptic short story about nail polish. Resumed editing Going Home. I tried reading the chapters out loud to myself as I worked and found it a lot more helpful than I expected. Signed up for the beta of MyWriteClub to see Continue reading Twice Fortnightly: Modest Progress