Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work!

So apparently I forgot all about my blog last week. Oops! It was a weird week. A surprise cold, and the realization I would have to miss my BA thesis deadline if I wanted to produce something I was at all happy with made it a weird week. I still have a cold, though it’s almost gone, and I’ve been Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back to Work!

Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

As you may have noticed, it’s been a bit quiet around here lately. I’ve been adjusting to getting back to work, and to gradually shifting more time and focus over to my studies. I also spent a few weeks with a completely shattered screen on my iPhone, which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just the phone part I was Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Coming out of a Slump

Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…

…of printer ink! This is the MS for my next big project. Rougly 105 pages which took my wee printer a good long time to write. I drafted this project during Camp NaNo in April, and it is chaos! It’s totally anachronic (not in a good way!) and has a bunch of viewpoint characters with very different lenghts of sections (two have Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…

Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!

Last night I handed in a long overdue assignment. It didn’t turn out very well, but I’m holding out hope that it turned out well enough and that I won’t have to re-do it. Next week I’m moving on to the next module on my to-study list, but this week I’m giving myself a bit of a break from Uni. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Worldbuilding Week!