Giveaway – 4 Days Left! – Prints and Bookmarks are Here!

That’s right, the prints for the giveaway finally arrived! Or, I should say, the print, because the second one is for me! Hah! If you don’t know which giveaway I’m talking about, check out this post for the full details!

Pardon my inability to hold things straight. The print is, in fact, perfectly rectangular.

The print depicted above is my copy, the winner’s copy is still all safely wrapped in bubblewrap! The bookmarks also arrived recently! Here they are:

Yay, bookmarks!
Yay, bookmarks!


There are now only 4 days left until the giveaway closes, so if you haven’t entered yet make sure to do so below! And remember, if you claim tickets for, for example, joining my newsletter and your email adress is not on my newsletter list, those tickets won’t count and I will re-draw!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, tell your friends, tell your co-workers, tell your eccentric aunt Mildred! Spread the word! I can’t wait to select my winners this weekend!

One Reply to “Giveaway – 4 Days Left! – Prints and Bookmarks are Here!”

  1. Pingback: Twice Fortnightly – Way Ahead, For Once! | Emma Lindhagen

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