Flash Fiction Friday – The Return

The last two Sundays, I’ve spent my Solo Storytelling Sunday stream playing a wonderful map-making rpg called Lost in the Grey (by Mnemonic). I’ve had a ton of fun with it, and I have gotten quite fond of the story I’ve created through it – to the point where I might turn it into a book eventually. The story isn’t Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Return

Worldbuilding Wednesday – The Return + Inktober Writer’s Gauntlet

Lately I’ve been itching to breathe a little more life back into my blog. Other than my Flash Fiction Friday posts, I don’t really post anything regularly and I miss the days when I used to. What I miss the most, though, are my Worldbuilding Wednesday posts. I honestly can’t remember why I stopped writing those. I guess I just Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – The Return + Inktober Writer’s Gauntlet

Flash Fiction Friday – Dungeons & Flirting

I wrote this last night on my stream, and then almost forgot to post it before going to bed now. I use, once again, the Seventh Sanctum writing prompt generator to generate the first line of this flash piece. As soon as I saw it, I knew what I wanted to write about. Sorry, it’s not as naughty as the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Dungeons & Flirting

Twice Fortnightly – Oh Hey Monday!

My goodness, this past week! Lovelies, I have not been managing my time well, especially with regard to my reading for uni. This weekend I was so incredibly swamped with reading and assignments and honestly, none of it was a big deal on its own. The problem was I let it all clump up for me at the end of the week. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Oh Hey Monday!

Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Another week, another Monday! As of today I’ve had the first session with 3 out of the 4 modules I’m taking this term and they’ve all been fantastic. I am quite sure tomorrow’s first Phonology session will be equally great. This is gonna be a fun term! And last night, I finally pledged for some stuff on Patreon which I’ve been meaning Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Twice Fortnightly – Fall Term 2017

Hey there, lovelies. Another Tuesday, another late Monday blog, hah. I had a very busy day yesterday, and by the time it was evening I was so tired that I forgot everything about my (recently somewhat lacking) blogging schedule. Whoops! Last night, I had a meeting with my new job to prepare and participate in, which meant a lot of Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Fall Term 2017

Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Last night, I wrote Flash Fiction live on my Twitch stream for the first time! It was an interesting experience. A few trolls, but those were easily banned. Most of the stream was actually about other things, I conlanged some and ended up talking about worldbuilding with someone, so the flash fiction did sort of take a back seat but Continue reading Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz

Exciting news, guys! I am in your interwebz, streaming! Technically, I started streaming in April (or was it May) with a few stray Sims 4 streams, but now I’m starting it proper. Starting this week, you can see me on my channel on Twitch on Mondays at 7 a.m. (for bullet journal prep and morning musings), on Thursdays at 10 Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz