Worldbuilding Wednesday – Too Much, Too Soon

Reader, I abandoned the challenge.  But honestly, that’s okay. It was a little too much a little too soon, and since it was a spontaneous decision to join and not part of my original plan for the month, I’m not kicking myself about it. I lasted about 5 days before dropping out. It wasn’t actually the writing itself that was Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – Too Much, Too Soon

Worldbuilding Wednesday – The Return + Inktober Writer’s Gauntlet

Lately I’ve been itching to breathe a little more life back into my blog. Other than my Flash Fiction Friday posts, I don’t really post anything regularly and I miss the days when I used to. What I miss the most, though, are my Worldbuilding Wednesday posts. I honestly can’t remember why I stopped writing those. I guess I just Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – The Return + Inktober Writer’s Gauntlet