Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Another week, another Monday! As of today I’ve had the first session with 3 out of the 4 modules I’m taking this term and they’ve all been fantastic. I am quite sure tomorrow’s first Phonology session will be equally great. This is gonna be a fun term! And last night, I finally pledged for some stuff on Patreon which I’ve been meaning Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Last night, I wrote Flash Fiction live on my Twitch stream for the first time! It was an interesting experience. A few trolls, but those were easily banned. Most of the stream was actually about other things, I conlanged some and ended up talking about worldbuilding with someone, so the flash fiction did sort of take a back seat but Continue reading Flash Fiction – Ivory Predictions

Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz

Exciting news, guys! I am in your interwebz, streaming! Technically, I started streaming in April (or was it May) with a few stray Sims 4 streams, but now I’m starting it proper. Starting this week, you can see me on my channel on Twitch on Mondays at 7 a.m. (for bullet journal prep and morning musings), on Thursdays at 10 Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Live on the Interwebz