Twice Fortnightly – No P-o-D, but lots of creative energy!

That’s right, folks, I still haven’t looked into the Print-on-Demand thing. I should probably stop saying I will, and just let ya’ll be pleasantly surprised when I actually do it. So, what have I done this week? Well, this: Not a very productive week, as you can see. I had this freelance project I was working on, which was a lot more Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – No P-o-D, but lots of creative energy!

Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter weekend, Christians, heathens and others alike! I’ve spent a few days in the countryside, in my parents’ summerhouse, enjoying good food, board games and good company, but only semi-decent weather. As I normally do, I slightly overestimated how much writing I’d get done while away. Or rather I underestimated how much time Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

Thoughts on Starting a Business

I am a sole proprietorship! By which I mean, I have a sole proprietorship! By which I mean, as soon as my official letter from the tax agency comes in the post (next week I hope) I will have had a sole proprietorship since the end of February. And some people claim that time is linear. I’ve been wanting for Continue reading Thoughts on Starting a Business

Twice Forthnightly – Maybe the best week so far

Well, maybe not the best week of my life in general, but last week was certainly one of the best weeks in terms of writing, or post-writing. I got two five star reviews and was featured on 3 different blogs. Awesome. I have also: Done my daily writing… mostly. A few haikus, anyway. Make a list of potential titles for the sequel. It’s Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – Maybe the best week so far