Flash Fiction Friday – Next Year’s Beads

Since it is the holiday season, I’ve been thinking a lot about creating holidays for fictional worlds. The other day I had an idea for a tradition I may use some day in a book, so I wrote this little piece below: The ribbons are slippery between my fingers, and the house is quiet except for the gentle ringing of Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Next Year’s Beads

Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

I’ve just returned from a rather lovely weekend at my parents’ summer house, where we celebrated Easter. I spent most of my time eating, napping, reading and watching people roleplay on YouTube. All in all, not bad! Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter too, celebrating or not. I discovered something cool this week, namely that dictation apps (voice-to-text) are really Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

Spotlight – Christmas Faves

In lieu of a Worldbuilding Wednesday post, and with it being Christmas Eve (which for us Swedes is the big day of celebration, complete with opening presents and gorging ourselves on deliciousness) tomorrow, tonight I thought I’d bring you a short list of some Christmas media favorites of mine! Without further ado, let’s go: Love, Actually I feel like most Continue reading Spotlight – Christmas Faves

Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter weekend, Christians, heathens and others alike! I’ve spent a few days in the countryside, in my parents’ summerhouse, enjoying good food, board games and good company, but only semi-decent weather. As I normally do, I slightly overestimated how much writing I’d get done while away. Or rather I underestimated how much time Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Happy Easter!

A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

I was planning to make this a double post,  ThinkKit prompt #24 and #25. #25 was to share a photo of a tradition from the past year. I was planning to take a photo of our Christmas Day board game session earlier today but I totally forgot, so I’ll have to stick to #24, which is to talk about what one Continue reading A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

Twice Fortnightly – Almost Christmas

I can’t believe it’s only two days until Christmas! Okay, three for a lot of you but in this neck of the woods, we celebrate on the 24th. I have it mostly under control: the flat is clean-ish and has been at least partially Christmassed up, the presents are wrapped all except two and I know what I’m wearing to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Almost Christmas