#AdventBoost Day 22 – Antonius M. Hogebrandt

Today I’m adventboosting a fellow Swede! I’ll be honest: I don’t know/follow a ton of Swedish creatives. I don’t know why that is, probably mostly a consequence of how dominant the Anglosphere tends to be on the social media sites I use. But that’s a topic for another day, perhaps.. Today I’m boosting Antonius M. Hogebrandt, a speculative fiction writer I found randomly on Twitter a while back.

I was lucky enough to be a beta reader for one of their shorts last year (or was it the year before?) called Änglamakerskan (the title means The Angel Maker in Swedish, but the text is in English), which I thoroughly enjoyed. Great story, great characters and a bit creepy. I don’t believe it is currently available for sale, but keep an eye out for it! I also just started reading Stockholm Sentinels, a serially published story about superheroes in Stockholm. There’s only one chapter up so far but I thought it was a great start (and such fun to see superheroes in my home town!). And I think I’m going to love the MCs. They also have two other stories up on Tablo, though I haven’t had time to look at them yet. In general, their stories tend to include elements of Scandinavian folklore and Nordic mythology, which is super cool!

You can follow them on Twitter @melindrea and visit their website here.

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