Twice Fortnightly – Psuedo-purple?

Lately I seem to be making an extra effort when I write to express myself… prettily. I mean, I always want to write well, but I’m not always in that particular mood where I push myself a little extra, and go for a little extra flourish. I wouldn’t go so far as saying I’m in a purple prose mood, aesthetics clouding Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Psuedo-purple?

Twice Fortnightly – Oh right, Camp!

Yeah, that’s what this month has felt like a bit so far. It’s weird, because I know I can write large quantities in fairly limited time. Heck, I made 75k last NaNo! But this time… man. 10k as a goal and I’m still struggling. To be honest, I think I’m partially struggling because my goal is so low. A few hundred Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Oh right, Camp!

Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

I’ve just returned from a rather lovely weekend at my parents’ summer house, where we celebrated Easter. I spent most of my time eating, napping, reading and watching people roleplay on YouTube. All in all, not bad! Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter too, celebrating or not. I discovered something cool this week, namely that dictation apps (voice-to-text) are really Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Talk to Me, Baby!

Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

I realized today I have made a fatal error in my time management lately. My original plan was: three days for day job, two for studying and working on my thesis, one for writing and one day off (with, of course, the option of poking any of those things a bit extra on the other days once goals had been Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Re-re-re-restructuring my time

Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

I have had the most awful cold this past week. I don’t get (properly) sick very often, and being ill enough that I can’t work or really do much else aside from veg around and cough a lot for a whole week is almost unheard of in my world. It’s also left me pretty restless because I haven’t been so Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – *Atchoo!*

Flash Fiction Friday – Improvements

Flash Fiction Friday is back, yay! A soft start this time, not a prompt but just a… piece. Tomorrow I’m helping mom at a Christmas market, and thinking of that made me think of a lady I’ve seen at that market who looked like she was going through some rought times but, last year, seemed much improved. I’m not happy Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Improvements