Flash Fiction Friday – Going Up

I wasn’t sure what to write tonight, so I asked the bot in my Discord server for a prompt and got the following: “As the elevator door is about to close, you lock eyes with someone on the other side – someone from the past.” Somehow this resulted in a weirdly introspective piece, looking back and forward at the same Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Going Up

Flash Fiction Friday – Different, Familiar

Evenin’ guys! Check me out, I remembered to post this on Friday this week. Tonight, I went to the house warming party of my next door neighbor, who happen to have moved into the apartment of the parents of someone I was best friends with basically up until I hit my teens. So since I couldn’t think of anything else Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Different, Familiar

Flash Fiction Friday – Some Nights

Last night I went to a party. On the metro back I wrote this: Some nights, she felt cool. Not just cool for a geek, or cool for being her, but cool in some unqualified, objective way. Some nights, she felt sexy and, only halfway through her first cider, stopped worrying about whether it had been a mistake to wear Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Some Nights

Twice Fortnightly – Early Win!

That’s right, guys! On Friday the 20th, I won NaNo! Well, I won the 50k bit anyway, not the “finish your draft” bit, got a bit of a ways to go with that. That is a super-yay in my view, because this is (as far as I can recall) the only time that I’ve won NaNo before the last day Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Early Win!

Little Liebster Hop!

  The other day, my friend Grace tagged me in a blog hop (thank you, Grace!). On closer inspection, I realized that it’s actually a Liebster award blog hop. Since I’ve done the Liebster twice before, once here and once on my Sims 2 blog, I figure I’m gonna skip the nomination bit and just answer the questions: Is this the real Continue reading Little Liebster Hop!

The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award by Paola Crespo, one of my writing Tweeps! Thank you, Paola! So what’s the Liebster Award? Well, it’s more of a sort of blog hop that you pass along to up-and-coming bloggers who perhaps don’t have a lot of followers yet. The rules are as follows: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated Continue reading The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

Lucky Number – ThinkKit Prompt #15

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is to write about a number that’s had some sort of significance in 2014. Well, I pick the number: I like the number 27. 9×3 = 27. 3³ = 27. 9, 3 and 7 are my favorite numbers so you can see why it would appeal to me. 2 is okay, I suppose, but given the other things Continue reading Lucky Number – ThinkKit Prompt #15

Alla-Kazam! – ThinkKit Prompt #7

Today’s ThinkKit prompt encourages bloggers to think of one thing they would magically change in 2015 if they could. I always find those sorts of questions tricky. They make me feel like a contestant in one of those beauty pageants, where they’re supposed to say what they wish for and they all say “World Peace”. Because how can you not, right? Continue reading Alla-Kazam! – ThinkKit Prompt #7

Aloha! – ThinkKit Prompt #5

Today’s ThinkKit is called “Aloha” and encourages bloggers to talk about something they’ve said goodbye, or hello, to during the year. Well, I intend to do both. This year I said hello to my new Twitter account  (@EmmaLindhagen for those of you who don’t know) and, eventually, goodbye to my old one. This might not seem like a big deal, but it Continue reading Aloha! – ThinkKit Prompt #5

Twice Fortnightly – There’s a boy in my apartment!

A few days ago, my one person household became a two person household when the man I’ve been in a LDR with for years moved in with me. So far, so good! It’s a bit of an adjustment, so I’m a little “off my game” at the moment, but one positive things I’ve noticed (aside from the cuddles) is that Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – There’s a boy in my apartment!