The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award by Paola Crespo, one of my writing Tweeps! Thank you, Paola! So what’s the Liebster Award? Well, it’s more of a sort of blog hop that you pass along to up-and-coming bloggers who perhaps don’t have a lot of followers yet. The rules are as follows: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated Continue reading The Liebster Award! I nominate… You!

A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

I was planning to make this a double post,  ThinkKit prompt #24 and #25. #25 was to share a photo of a tradition from the past year. I was planning to take a photo of our Christmas Day board game session earlier today but I totally forgot, so I’ll have to stick to #24, which is to talk about what one Continue reading A Dash of Thanks – ThinkKit Prompt #25

Deck the LOLs – ThinkKit prompt #3

Today’s ThinkKit prompt was to write about something incredibly funny that happened in the last year. Well, to be honest I wasn’t able to think of any one thing that deserved this place of honor on the blog. But I could think of a person: my boyfriend. As I mentioned yesterday, my boyfriend moved in with me a few months Continue reading Deck the LOLs – ThinkKit prompt #3

Double Trouble in April: The Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Since I will have quite a bit of spare time in April I’ve decided to participate in a second writing challenge alongside Camp NaNoWriMo, namely the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! The challenge is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: you blog from a to z. You do this in April and you make one post per day Continue reading Double Trouble in April: The Blogging from A to Z Challenge