Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

I’m totally not gonna comment on how dead my blog’s been lately. Nope. Not gonna do it. Here’s today’s Dixit card that I’m using for a flash fiction prompt: And here’s what I came up with: The scissor was heavy in her hand. She ran a fingertip along the blade, felt the bite of it’s sharpness. There’d be no going Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

Twice Fortnightly – Early Win!

That’s right, guys! On Friday the 20th, I won NaNo! Well, I won the 50k bit anyway, not the “finish your draft” bit, got a bit of a ways to go with that. That is a super-yay in my view, because this is (as far as I can recall) the only time that I’ve won NaNo before the last day Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Early Win!