#AdventBoost Day 14 – A. C. Buchanan

Today I want to turn your attention to A. C. Buchanan, who I’ve already mention in my first post as the editor of literary magazine Capricious. Apart from being an editor, A. C. is also an excellent spec-fic writer! I first met them a few years ago when I was randomly assigned to a Camp NaNoWriMo cabin that happened to Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 14 – A. C. Buchanan

#AdventBoost Day 13 – Kristine Wyllys

Today’s advent boost directs your attention toward Kristine Wyllys, WOC author and feminist. I believe she is cherokee but my google-skillz are failing me tonight so I will leave it at believe because I don’t want to mischaracterize anyone. I started following her on Twitter a while back, having found her account through some retweet or other. She tweets on a range of Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 13 – Kristine Wyllys

#AdventBoost Day 12 – Frank Waln

Today I want to tell y’all about Sicangu Lakota rapper Frank Waln. He has won three Native American Music Awards, several other awards and written on indigineity and decolonization for a number of publications. I’ll be honest; I feel a bit silly “boosting” someone so accomplished on my tiny little blog, but at the same time I know even accomplished Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 12 – Frank Waln

#AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

Yeah, another 2-in-1 post. Yesterday I was dungeon master for a game of D&D for the first time. It was an absolute blast but I was so exhausted afterward I literally couldn’t form coherent sentences. So a double post today it is! Today I want to tell you about two very cool book blogs. I know reviewers aren’t commonly counted Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

#Adventboost Day 8 and 9 – Webcomic 2-in-1!

Last night, I came home from my office’s Christmas dinner at midnight, somewhat drunk. I opted to not blog and instead go to bed, so tonight I have a 2-in-1 post for you: two awesome, but very different, webcomics. Agents of the Realm by Mildred Louis is a really fun, modern take on the magic girl genre. I only recently discovered Continue reading #Adventboost Day 8 and 9 – Webcomic 2-in-1!

#AdventBoost Day 7 – Monster Pop! by Maya Kern

It’s time for another webcomic boost, guys! Today I want to tell you about Monster Pop! Look at that art style! How cute is that!? I’ll be honest; the art style was the only reason I started reading this comic when I first joined Tapastic. But it was a good choice because it’s got a great character gallery and good Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 7 – Monster Pop! by Maya Kern

#AdventBoost Day 6 – There Will Be Phlogiston by Alexis Hall

Hi guys! I am so tired tonight. Like, I’m falling asleep. It had been a long day. Onward! This is a book. It is called There WIll Be Phlogiston, and is part of a series but functions as a stand-alone. It is written by a queer writer named Alexis Hall. It has a happy triad in it and that makes me happy. The Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 6 – There Will Be Phlogiston by Alexis Hall

#AdventBoost Day 5 – Monsterhearts!

Today I have something a bit different for #Adventboost. Monsterhearts is a tabletop RPG. Ever wanted to pretend you were Buffy? Or the MC in a YA paranormal romance novel? Then this is the RPG for you! To save us all from my awful pitching skills, here’s the official description from the game’s second edition’s Kickstarter page: By the time they Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 5 – Monsterhearts!

#AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll

Today is a second Sunday of advent and I have an extra special boost for you all. Now obviously, I only rec things I like, but this one is a special favorite! It is hands down the best book I’ve read this year: Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll. Poison Kiss is a fantasy (poly) romance novel about Rose, a young woman who Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll

#AdventBoost Day 3 – Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi

Another #Adventboost, another webcomic. I’ll be honest: there’s probably gonna be a lot of webcomics in this boost series. This has been such a weird year, I feel like most my media consumption has been webcomics and RPG streams. Not much book-reading, to be honest. Anyway! Today I want to tell you about Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi. Tripped over this Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 3 – Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi