#AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

Yeah, another 2-in-1 post. Yesterday I was dungeon master for a game of D&D for the first time. It was an absolute blast but I was so exhausted afterward I literally couldn’t form coherent sentences. So a double post today it is! Today I want to tell you about two very cool book blogs. I know reviewers aren’t commonly counted Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

… will just keep coming? I hope so anyway. I came down with a cold suddenly this weekend, but I still managed to write 2k both Saturday and Sunday. In fact, I found myself at the end of my NaNo story on Sunday, with ~35k as my total word count. I had suspected that might happen for the better part Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Sniffles and Coughs may Break my Focus but Words…

Twice Fortnightly – Full Steam Ahead

You guys, I’ve had such a great NaNoWriMo-week. I’m super excited about the project I’m working on and having a lot of fun drafting it. My pace is quite a bit higher than it’s been the last few NaNos too, which is a great feeling. The project is a YA novel, the first in a series of 3 or 4 books Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Full Steam Ahead