Twice Fortnightly – Coming Down From NaNo

So, another December has begun and another NaNoWriMo has been won. Last week was a tough one, to be honest. I won NaNo by the skin of my teeth and the last part of the draft was a bit of a mess as my outline got derailed by worldbuilding details that came up organically while I drafted. But I am Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Coming Down From NaNo

Twice Fortnightly – Hi there! Bye there!

Hello! Tiny little blog update time! Cuz it’s just one of those nights when I don’t have too much to say and my week can basically be described as “more NaNo!”. I hit 30k, had a lot of fun with my draft including a Thursday Morning Tea Time stream with some brainstorming, and I even started working on that short Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Hi there! Bye there!

Twice Fortnightly – Catching Up!

Two NaNo weeks down, two and change to go! And it’s finally starting to feel like NaNo to me. As I mentioned last week, I had a really slow start this time. As of this weekend, I feel like I’ve finally gotten into the flow with the story, which is a delightful feeling. I wrote 3.5k yesterday! Not something I expect to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Catching Up!

Twice Fortnightly – A Slow but Steady Start

One week into NaNo, and I am off to a slow but steady start. I am behind, for sure, but I am slowly catching up. Yay for that! I’m really enjoying working on this story, but there’s an edge of nervousness to that enjoyment because I really want it to turn out not just good but, specifically, pretty. Pretty prose is Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – A Slow but Steady Start

Twice Fortnightly – A Pre-NaNo Triumph!

Tonight I hit a pretty major and exciting milestone. I finished the first draft of the 3rd Orryn Novella! I decided that I wanted to finish it, mess of a draft that it is, before NaNoWriMo so I wrote the last scene or two, about 1.5k words, tonight. The draft is going to need a lot of work on the rewrite. Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – A Pre-NaNo Triumph!

Twice Fortnightly – What is Even Happening?

Why are these weeks so weird? I keep realizing it’s Sunday or Monday and I’ve simultaneously done a bunch things but also not all the things I wanted to but also that I have no idea how many hours I have been writing this week. I have NOT been keeping track! I have also not read through my upcoming Patreon Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – What is Even Happening?

Twice Fortnightly – Bad Planning?

Last week was a weird one, y’all. I thought I’d done good planing for my writing goals, in terms of both hours and tasks. Yet somehow, I managed to do almost all my hours (9½ out of 11, even though I didn’t have my stream for computer reasons) but have several tasks that I didn’t even touch on. Those included, unsurprisingly, making Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Bad Planning?

Flash Fiction Friday – Ambitions (NaNoWriMo ’17 Backstory Snippet)

Hi lovelies. I’m too tired to type a proper post tonight since it’s past 1 am, but I wrote a snippet from the backstory of my NaNoWriMo MCs. Yay! Ambitions The sun was beginning to set over the courtyard, but it wasn’t the evening chill that made Verena’s leg bounce up and down where she sat on the bench. She’d Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ambitions (NaNoWriMo ’17 Backstory Snippet)

Twice Fortnightly – The Author Hath Chosen!

That’s right, lovelies: I have officially picked a NaNoWriMo project. Yay! I will be working on a somewhat dark fantasy, hopefully action-filled romance in a sort of steampunk-ish setting. I have a very firm grasp on the main characters, the superficial structure of the plot and the themes that will generally be dealt with, but also a fair bit left Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – The Author Hath Chosen!