Twice Fortnightly – Back Into the Groove….Again!

I thought I was back in the groove already, but then last week I got a cold and a bit of a low-bat situation, mentally. So I slowed my pace and had a very leisurely week. I still got a few overdue things off of my to-do list, but kept it very low-key. What I did do was:

  • Poke my map for Erziyye some more
  • Poke at the MS I’m reading through a bit
  • Post a Flash Fiction Friday post, The Devil in the Dice
    and, drumroll please….
  • Pick a NaNoWriMo project! Exciting! I can’t believe it’s only a month and change left until it’s NaNo time, but I’m super psyched about the idea I’ll be working on. I have a few decisions I need to make about the story, but other than that I’m read to go!

So this coming week I plan to:

  • Keep reading my MS
  • Keep working on Erziyye
  • Post Flash Fiction Friday and Worldbuilding Wednesday posts
  • Brainstorm about my NaNo project
  • Start doing the Blog Ahead challenge, which you can read about here.
  • Post a guest post, my second ever. Yay!

Should be a fun week, writing-wise! Bit busy, but I think I will be able to handle it.

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