Twice Fortnightly – More Projects!!

This past week has been a bit *sad trumpet sound* in terms of the goals I set for myself last week. I didn’t do the GlobeIn review, and I didn’t do Flash Fiction Friday. I did, however, start poking at my project from Camp again. I just did some basic organizational stuff, but it feels good to be back at Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – More Projects!!

Twice Fortnightly – Back Into the Groove….Again!

I thought I was back in the groove already, but then last week I got a cold and a bit of a low-bat situation, mentally. So I slowed my pace and had a very leisurely week. I still got a few overdue things off of my to-do list, but kept it very low-key. What I did do was: Poke my map Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Back Into the Groove….Again!

Twice Fortlightly: Dropping a Ball

So, this past week I have: Maintained my inability to keep track of which day of the week it is and blog on the right one (which, by the way, has now been remedied by a recurring reminder in my to-do app) Obsessed endlessly about a nail polish swap I am currently participating in. Written roughly 7k words on my Continue reading Twice Fortlightly: Dropping a Ball

Ready your tents, it’s almost Camp time!

It’s March, which means in just one measly month it’s time for the April rendition of Camp NaNoWriMo. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Camp NaNoWriMo is a month-long writing project by the same people who run the better-known NaNoWriMo. There are two Camps each year, one in April and one in July. Last year I drafted by WIP Continue reading Ready your tents, it’s almost Camp time!