Flash Fiction Friday – Running Wild

I’ve been thinking a lot about an idea I have, and my brain decided to keep working on it when I slept. This little snippet is the result. Hope you enjoy it! Running Wild “We’re going to try to be out for a week,” the young man says as he hands his backpack to Sanna and turns to help his Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Running Wild

Flash Fiction Friday – The Witching Hour

September really wasn’t a good flash fic month for me, but I’m hoping October will be different. It’s off to a good start at least. I quite like this little piece. It’s based on a prompt from the writing bot on my Discord (which you can find here to add to your own Discord if you’re interested!). Hope you enjoy Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Witching Hour

Flash Fiction Friday- No Time For Imps

I had a tiny little dream when I was napping earlier today, so here’s a tiny little flash fic piece. I think it’s conceptually related to The Vessel, a flash fic piece I wrote over two years ago. No Time For Imps As sleep receded she became aware that someone, something, was watching her. With a deep sigh, she opened Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday- No Time For Imps

Flash Fiction Friday – The New Guest

Earlier tonight I played an absolutely adorable game for my Thank Gods It’s Indie stream. It was called “Corinne Cross’s Dead & Breakfast“, made by Bad Chalk Games, and is a girl who is put in charge of a haunted B&B. I had a great time playing it! The story was very heartwarming and the art was great, and I Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The New Guest

Flash Fiction Friday – A Thorny Twist

This past Wednesday, on Sweden’s national day, I was at a market and I saw this older woman who just had the most amazing look. She looked like a steampunk witch and I wanted to compliment her outfit but I was honestly too intimidated. I found myself thinking, though, “gosh, I’d like to write a detective story about her”. The Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – A Thorny Twist

Flash Fiction Friday – Obvious Werewolf Story?

Another Friday, another Seventh Sanctum prompt. Today I used the Writing Challenge generator which gave me the following. “The story ends in a big city. The story takes place in the afternoon. During the story, there is an assassination. The story must have a werewolf in it.”. I decided to go very basic with it… but even basic stories need Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Obvious Werewolf Story?

Flash Fiction Friday – The Vessel

I was temping today and while the kids in my pre-lunch session were working independently I had a sudden flash of inspiration and wrote the following: She was in the middle of instructing a group of eight graders on what would be part of their test on demographics the following week when she heard that familiar voice in her head. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Vessel

Flash Fiction Friday – Supernatural Shelter

NaNo is done, so Flash Fiction Friday is back! Yay! I’ve been watching a lot of a TV show called Grimm lately which is sort of a cop show with supernatural creatures. It’s pretty good, but once in a while when I watch it I wish there was a more slow-paced supernaturally themed drama, like maybe a crime show styled more Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Supernatural Shelter

Flash Fiction Friday – How May I Help You?

Yesterday I finally manage to do my writing stream! I think it’s been 2-3 weeks since the last time, but it feels like longer. I have moved my writing stream from Thursday evenings to Thursday mornings because it suits my current schedule better. I did some conlanging, and also wrote the following piece based on a Seventh Sanctum prompt. As I Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – How May I Help You?

Release the Kraken!

The letter K is a tricky one. So many words that have a K-sounding phonome in the beginning are actually spelled with C in English and it doesn’t help that in many cases the same word in my native language, Swedish, is quite similar but spelled with a K. I spent a lot of time going “K…k…camera! No… k…cats! Dang! Continue reading Release the Kraken!