Twice Forthnightly – One year older, one year wiser?

Hey, guess what? I’m 27! And I’ve got some scotch, new running gear and a copy of the awesome board game Dixit to prove it (among other things). This has contributed to the past week being a pretty good week, and my productivity level has made it an even better one. I have: Written ~1k per day for NaNo, making Continue reading Twice Forthnightly – One year older, one year wiser?

Twice Fortnightly – What a Week!

Boy, I have had a busy week. In the fun, energizing way, not the run around like a chicken with your head cut off way (which is a nice change, truth be told). There’s a satisfaction in feeling that you’ve been productive that I enjoy thoroughly. This week, for the first time since I started setting up weekly goals here Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – What a Week!

Twice Fortnightly – Home, Sweet Home

So, I am back again from my vacation. I’m feeling a bit sluggish this evening so I’ll keep this brief. This week I: Wrote ~600 words during my daily writing Edited 3 chapters of Going Home. I might’ve had time for the last two as well if not for an unplanned goose chase after a bag on my last day there. Started Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Home, Sweet Home

Twice Fortnightly – You’ve Gotta Have Goals

It’s funny, every time I think about goals I hear this voice in my head saying “but you’ve gotta have goals”. It’s a man’s voice and it sounds like he’s saying it at the end of some longer speech about life. However, neither my memory or my Google-fu has managed to reveal to me where, which movie or TV show, Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – You’ve Gotta Have Goals