Twice Fortnightly – Back to a Time-Honored Tradition (no, 2!)

Wow. I am one week back into my blogging and already I am back to my old habit of, at intervals, pretending that it’s Monday on Tuesday. Well, I had a good reason this time because last night when I remembered that it was Monday, I didn’t have much energy left with which to do things, and I was left with a choice: blog or watch Game of Thrones. I picked the time-honored tradition of watching GoT so I didn’t get any spoilers (not that there was much to spoil in the episode, enjoyable though it was, but I digress) which lead to the time-honored tradition of doing my Monday blog on Tuesday. A good trade, if you ask me.

Life is a bit strange right now. My calendar (or, rather, my bullet journal) is practically empty of time-specific appointments. No work (not a lot of teacher temping around in the summer), no school, barely any D&D and most people I know away on vacation. My to-dos are basically composed of writing goals, and goals related to a craft project me and my boyfriend I’m working on right now. So I’m trying to up my writing productivity a bit on that basis. Last week, I:

  • Hit 10k on my Camp NaNoWriMo project. I’m writing out of sequence right now because I got a bit stuck, but things are starting to come together.
  • Wrote a Flash Fiction Friday piece called The Missing Boy.
  • Set up a dictionary file for my conlanging project, and started moving words over to it.
  • Spent, according to my writing productivity tracker in my bullet journal, 15 hours writing. I was pretty bad about updating my tracker though and kept having to do it a few days after the fact, and I suspect I actually had at least 16h total, which was my goal.

I totally forgot 2 things I’d intended to do: update the Smashwords version of my novellas, and start poking my short story drafts again. But now that I’m a bit more caught-up on Camp NaNo, I feel like I can focus a little less on Camp and a little more on other things so my goals for this week are:

  • 20 (!) hours of writing or writing-adjacent time. I’ll adjust this down if I actually get any temping shifts.
  • ​Flash Fiction Friday!
  • Updating Smashwords!
  • Poking my short stories!
  • At least 20 new conlanging words! And participating daily in the weekly challenge on the conlanging community I hang at!
  • Crit group! And reading for crit group!
  • Hit 18k on Camp NaNo!

So much enthusiasm for my goals this week! So many exclamation marks! I’ll take that as a good sign.

Let’s do this!

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