Twice Fortnightly – New Effort

The past week wasn’t a great week, writing-wise. I only managed 6h out of my intended 7, and even that’s while rounding up if I’m being honest. I barely touched my conlanging, and gave myself a pass on Flash Fiction Friday because I was exhausted and empty-headed. I did work a fair bit on my #12for12stories February story, though. It’s coming along, I think. Hopefully I’ll finish it before month’s end. I also had a meeting with my crit group, which was lovely as always.

For this weeks, my goals are:

  • 7h writing. Actually 7! And at least 3 have to be done before Saturday (to prevent myself putting everything off for the weekend).
  • Keep working on #12for12stories. Try to finish draft.
  • Submit a piece for crit group.
  • Print one of my old drafts, which I’ll start bringing to crit group in a couple of sessions as my current WIP is running out.
  • Start working on my rewrite of Going Home. I doubt I’ll do much on this, I just want to make a start at it so I won’t keep putting it off.
  • Conlang.
  • Flash Fiction Friday

Goodness, that list turned out longer than planned. Still, I really want to get these things done and I do have the weekend free, which speaks in my favor. So hopefully I’ll have a good go at it!


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