Twice Fortnightly – Hello, 2017!

Hi guys! Hope you all have had a good start to 2017. I’ve had a pretty good one myself, I must say. Calm days, working on some long-term planing and centering myself for the coming years, done a bit of cooking and also watched the first two Harry Potter movies (doing one/evening until I start work again in a week). This week I have:

  • Added about 2k to my NaNo draft. I was aiming for 5k but I have realized as I’ve been going through the first 7 or so chapters and doing light edits that I need to redo and restructure the story more before I can add any more words and scenes, so I’m happy with the 2k I got.
  • Posted for Flash Fiction Friday.
  • Brainstormed and planned for a newish idea.
  • Decided to participate in #12for12stories, a challenge to write one short story per month.
  • Picked a reading challenge to attempt this year, called #DiversityBingo2017

For the coming week I will:

  • Actually do 20 hours of writing related work.
  • Do light edits/read-throughs of at least another 7 chapters of the nano story, ABMF.
  • Read texts for my crit group, and go to said crit group.
  • Write those 2 Hubpages articles I forgot this week.
  • Do Flash Fiction Friday again.
  • Start poking at my January #12for12stories story.

Busy week! And I have a D&D one-shot coming up on Saturday, too. Should be fun!

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