Twice Fortnightly – A Case of Sleepyitis

This week didn’t go quite as planned. I got, apparently, an unexpected case of sleepyitis. I kept thinking I’d do this or the other thing in the evening and then there I was, eyelids drooping way earlier than normal. This hampered my productivity a bit, especially on the day when I was at my day job during my non-sleepy hours. Not quite sure what caused this, so I’m just chalking it up to adjusting to being back at work!

In spite of this epic sleepiness, this week I managed to:

  • Work quite a bit on my map, which is now digital. Yay!
  • Post an awesome Sunday Double Whammy featuring my newly digitalized map and some pieces of flash fiction. Check it out!
  • Upload my POD editions of Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag to Createspace, which means that any time now i’ll be able to order a proof copy and if that looks okay, you’ll all be able to buy your very own paperback copy. Double yay!

So basically, most of my goals for this week are being magically transported to this coming week:

  • Plan the giveaway for the POD versions.
  • Start reading through my printed MS.
  • Start working (again) on a “master list” of my writing projects”, where I can get an overview of my ideas and their stage of development.
  • Start drafting a short story that’s been on my mind.

This week is sort of a week off. I’ll be out of town Friday-Sunday attending a convention. I’ll have a lot of down time, but I won’t actually be home and have access to my files, so I’m gonna focus on the to-dos above, particularly reading the MS. The Arabic short I mentioned in my goals last week will have to wait. All my Arabic energy right now is being spent reading the first Harry Potter book in Arabic. Awesome!

And in other news, there’s an interview with me up on, check it out!

Now I must go, for a plate of burek awaits me!

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