Flash Fiction Friday – The Offering

I actually wrote this yeterday but I was having some net connectivity problems and couldn’t post it before bed. So here it is now! I did something a bit different with this flash fiction piece. My boyfriend suggested that instead of using one of my regular methods of prompt generation (like Dixit cards or random generators online) I should use Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Offering

Flash Fiction Friday – The Feather

Hi guys! Time for flash fiction Friday. Tonight I’m doing a piece based on a Dixit card again! It’s been a while, so it was fun to do it. Here we go: He hurried between the trees, crouched low. Moving with barely more than a swish, he dodged around shrubs and over roots following the tracks without the slightest hesitation. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Feather

Flash Fiction Friday – The Final Battle

Hi guys! Hope y’all are having a lovely day. Today it’s Friday, so it’s time for some flash fiction. Today I’m doing a Dixit-inspired image prompt piece. It’s been a long while since I did one of those, don’t you think? For those of you who don’t know, Dixit is possibly my favorite board game and features amazing, fantastical illustrations Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Final Battle

Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Oh wow, it’s Friday… And it’s late. I’ve been to dinner at my parents’ house, and then I’ve been working on a birthday present for my bestie’s little girl, whose 2nd birthday party we’re going to tomorrow. It’s now 12:30 and my brain’s a bit too mushy for flash fiction I’m afraid. So instead of my usualy type of post, I’m Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

I’m totally not gonna comment on how dead my blog’s been lately. Nope. Not gonna do it. Here’s today’s Dixit card that I’m using for a flash fiction prompt: And here’s what I came up with: The scissor was heavy in her hand. She ran a fingertip along the blade, felt the bite of it’s sharpness. There’d be no going Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Changes

Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

This blog isn’t dead, wooh! I’ve been both horribly disorganized and sort of unmotivated for a few weeks. Earlier this week I finally got my phone working again (thank you, Kunal!), and by that I also got my productivity/planning apps left and boy have I missed them. I suddenly feel like I know what’s going on again! I can plan Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting

Flash Fiction Friday – Resignation

I’m on vacation! I still have some work stuff I need to finish this weekend, but I’m officially out of the office until January 11th which feels awesome! Today I’ve had a slow day, bit hungover after an office X-mas party that turned into bar hopping. Had a great time! Tonight I’ve reached into my trusty Dixit deck for some writing Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Resignation

Flash Fiction Friday – The Terranaut

I had never really noticed this card before I pulled it out of my Dixit-game tonight. Isn’t it delightful? All credit to Dixit and their fantastic illustrators, as usual. The Terranaut   Telq pushed himself, and his bulky suit, the last little distance out of the water. As he sat up and looked around, he was taken aback by the lack Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Terranaut

Flash Fiction Friday – The Devil in the Dice

I almost forgot it’s Friday! But then I remembered, so here is some sleepy flash fiction for you all! Here’s tonight’s Dixit card: Cool, no? I’ve always liked this card. Credits to Dixit’s illustrators as usual. Here’s the piece: The Devil in the Dice The dialog box flashed on the screen. “Double bet to $500?” it said and, below, the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Devil in the Dice

Flash Fiction Friday – The Ghosts

As you may have noticed, I skipped my Worldbuilding Wednesday this week. I just hadn’t made enough progress with my map this week for it to be worth a post. But never fear, Flash Fiction Friday is here! With a card from Dixit, once again. And once again, credit for the image goes to the Dixit people! Here’s this week’s Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Ghosts