Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Oh wow, it’s Friday… And it’s late. I’ve been to dinner at my parents’ house, and then I’ve been working on a birthday present for my bestie’s little girl, whose 2nd birthday party we’re going to tomorrow. It’s now 12:30 and my brain’s a bit too mushy for flash fiction I’m afraid. So instead of my usualy type of post, I’m Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Here, have some prompts!

Worldbuilding Wednesday – Continents taking shape

Hey, it’s Worldbuilding Wednesday again! How time has flown this week. My world building progress this past week has been of the “slow but steady” variety. I’ve read up on map projections, spent a lot of time looking at maps of Earth and fictional worlds and sketching various continental setups for Erziyye since I realized I wasn’t totally happy with my first Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – Continents taking shape