Flash Fiction Friday – Wall-runner

I’ve been reading through my next big WIP this week, and gods am I excited to be working on it. It’s gonna be so good! Eventually… In the mean time, here’s a little snippet of an unnamed side-character. She might not even turn up in the book, to be honest. I mostly wanted to explore this particular part of the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Wall-runner

Flash Fiction Friday – Tropes in the snow

Sometimes I just feel like having a poke at some D&D tropes, so here we are: Tropes in the snow “Bard!” the barbarian roared as the opening bars of the same song rang out from the lute for the fifth time that day. “You play that song one more time and I will smash your face into my ax.” The Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Tropes in the snow

Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting for Fairies

A short little thingy today, inspired by the lovely golden light I had a walk in earlier. Have a great weekend, everyone! Waiting for Fairies Golden light danced across the park from a break in the dark grey October clouds. The sun was on its way down, and clearly determined to make an impression before it went. The bench was Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting for Fairies

Flash Fiction Friday – Vengeance-Red

Tonight I came to think of an old idea for a D&D character class that I might try to build one day. I had the idea years ago, and even wrote this old piece of flash fiction about it, and I’m not sure why it was on my mind tonight but I do really like the flash fic piece that Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Vengeance-Red

Flash Fiction Friday – One O Too Many

It’s Friday! Happy Friday! I actually have flash fiction today. As so often, this one is based on a prompt. Today’s prompt came from Writer-Bot, a Discord utility bot I use that has prompts and other stuff, and it was the following: ” A soldier has to rethink their strategy after a spelling error proves it wasn’t a dragoon terrorising Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – One O Too Many

Flash Fiction Friday – Little Stars

I was listening to a podcast episode recently that talked about the urban legend of black-eyed kids and it gave me some ideas, one of which was the below. Enjoy! Little Stars  “About fucking time!” Elle hissed as Tam slipped in through the door and closed it behind them with their hip. “What took you so long?” Lou asked, a Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Little Stars

Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

Just a little something I threw together because I was thinking about how rarely we get portal fantasies and other real-world adjacent fantasy stories with adult protagonists. Hope you like it! Inciting Incident It wasn’t the lemon curd that was the problem. Lydia was like 98% sure of that At first she’d thought it was too sweet, then that it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

Worldbuilding Wednesday – My Fundamental Questions

Since I didn’t do my worldbuilding stream Sunday, I don’t have any fun tidbits of progress to share with you today. Instead, I want to talk a little about one of the hardest things about worldbuilding (especially if you’re new): where to start? There are a lot of different advice on this out there, and the advice I’m about to Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – My Fundamental Questions

Flash Fiction Friday – The Chosen One

I’m reading a YA fantasy series right now and it has me thinking about Chosen Ones. Not my favorite trope all told, though not my least favorite either. Recently it occurred to me how rarely the Chosen One in a book knows they’re special, how usually they dismiss the strange things that happen to them and someone else has to Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Chosen One

Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine

I wasn’t going to catch up on Flash Fiction Friday after I missed it yesterday, but then I had a tiny, very silly idea. Here you go: Aquamarine Steph awoke, and for a moment she wasn’t sure why she felt so amused. As the dream came back to her, she chuckled softly and rubbed her face. Ridiculous… She reached for Continue reading Flash Fiction Fraturday – Aquamarine