Flash Fiction Friday – Loneliness and Hatches

I feel like I haven’t written flash fic in about three years. But I’m back! Wooh! Today’s piece is a bit macabre, and inspired by the creepy basement under my parents’ summer home that a small part of my brain is always worried about falling into. Loneliness and Hatches They all said that it was loneliness and isolation that killed Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Loneliness and Hatches

Flash Fiction Friday – Little Stars

I was listening to a podcast episode recently that talked about the urban legend of black-eyed kids and it gave me some ideas, one of which was the below. Enjoy! Little Stars  “About fucking time!” Elle hissed as Tam slipped in through the door and closed it behind them with their hip. “What took you so long?” Lou asked, a Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Little Stars

Flash Fiction Friday – Judgement

I feel like I say this every time I post these days but: wow, it’s been a while, huh? Anyway, here is a slightly macabre little piece, inspired by something I dreamed this morning. I hope you enjoy it! Judgement Alena saw a figure moving through the dark.  They had all stepped into the Hall and sat down on the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Judgement

Flash Fiction Friday – When?

Tonight’s flash fiction is based on what might be the worst night of my life. In real life, though, the “the texts were from him all along!”-twist was only a dream, and my friend came back the next morning, all smiles. Hope you enjoy this darker reality: When? I knew all along that it was a bad idea. Zoe off Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – When?

Flash Fiction Friday – Re-burial

I didn’t have anything particular in mind for tonight’s flash fic piece, so I used a random prompt generator. This is the prompt it gave me: “I stand by the graveside. We are burying Uncle Eric. Again.” I just sort of ran with it. Enjoy! Re-burial I stand by the graveside. We are burying Uncle Eric. Again. Ever since the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Re-burial

Flash Fiction Friday- Shadow Wolves

For once, my Flash Fiction Friday piece wasn’t written today. Let’s get right to it: “Do not provoke me, little pup!” she spat, opening her fingers wide with a flourish of her wrist. Ana didn’t flinch, stood as tall as ever. They were face to face, just a foot or two apart, and neither would budge. In the corner of my eye Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday- Shadow Wolves

Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Tonight I dreamed of vampires, boarding schools and rebellion, so I wrote this little piece (a bit sloppy because it’s late and I’m sleepy). Hope you like it. Tonight was the night. They would try to rise, and if they failed at least they would finally fall. She stopped for a moment, peeking out through the crack in the door. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Tonight is the Night

Release the Kraken!

The letter K is a tricky one. So many words that have a K-sounding phonome in the beginning are actually spelled with C in English and it doesn’t help that in many cases the same word in my native language, Swedish, is quite similar but spelled with a K. I spent a lot of time going “K…k…camera! No… k…cats! Dang! Continue reading Release the Kraken!