Flash Fiction Friday – Vengeance-Red

Tonight I came to think of an old idea for a D&D character class that I might try to build one day. I had the idea years ago, and even wrote this old piece of flash fiction about it, and I’m not sure why it was on my mind tonight but I do really like the flash fic piece that Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Vengeance-Red

Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)

I have recently decided to get into tabletop RPGs, and in a week I’ll be playing my first session with a group, playing in a system called Numenera (which seems super cool). I’ve been working on my character today, so I thought I’d write a small piece of backstory for her about how she met her animal companion. Here it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ren and Tiktik (Numenera Character Backstory)