Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Here’s a bit of wishful thinking in the form of prose. The first little bit is autobiographical except for the names. Art imitating life and all, hah! Hope you enjoy this silliness. Wishful Thinking “Downloading… 23 %” Mina fidgeted with her phone, watching the numbers slowly tick upward. Way more slowly than they should be. She should’ve installed the game Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Twice Fortnightly – Weird Week Was Weird

Last week was weird, guys. It was busy, though I suppose not excessively so, but it just ended up being so different from what I expected that I felt slightly off-kilter for most of the week. I ended up working with my day job on Saturday (lolwut?) which just threw my whole plan for the week off both because Saturday Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Weird Week Was Weird

Twice Fortnightly – Last Week on the Job

This week is my last week at my current day job. Today I had the day off, but I’m working Tues-Fri. I’ve got a slew of stuff to finish, but I’m not sure how much time it’ll really take. I’ve never had to “finish up” a job before, for the past 6 years I’ve generally been able to say “oh, Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Last Week on the Job

Twice Fortnightly – Miss me?

Hello lovelies! Boy, has this blog been dead lately? I have had a bad case of “holy shit, what even is to-do lists and writing stuff” lately, with the day job being super busy for a while and my studies remaining super busy. For that reason, I haven’t been doing much worth reporting lately. I did some flash fiction about Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Miss me?

Twice Fortnightly – Last Week of Vacation

That’s right, next week I’m back to work again. I’m a bit nervous. Not about going back to work in and of itself, but about to what extent I’ll be able to keep my non-dayjob days active and productive. I’ve been getting a lot done these past few weeks, without feeling stressed, and I’d love to keep that up. This Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Last Week of Vacation