Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Here’s a bit of wishful thinking in the form of prose. The first little bit is autobiographical except for the names. Art imitating life and all, hah! Hope you enjoy this silliness. Wishful Thinking “Downloading… 23 %” Mina fidgeted with her phone, watching the numbers slowly tick upward. Way more slowly than they should be. She should’ve installed the game Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Wishful Thinking

Flash Fiction Friday – The Rescue Mission

On Monday the boyfriend and I went to see Avengers: Infinity War in the cinema. While I did not generally like the movie, there were a few things in it I did like and one of those was the special effects for Dr. Strange’s portal powers. I don’t know what it was, but they just tickled me! So I had an idea Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Rescue Mission

Worldbuilding Wednesday – And now for something completely different.

If you don’t know what the title refers to, you need to watch more Monty Python. Anyway, today we are indeed doing something completely different. I wanted to show you my ocean currents but they aren’t totally done and the idea of putting up a map with things missing irks me so I’ll hold off till next week. Instead, I’m Continue reading Worldbuilding Wednesday – And now for something completely different.