Twice Fortnightly – One of Those Good Weeks

Is it feeling like fall yet where you are? Or spring, for my readers “down under”? Here, it’s basically still feeling like summer, reasonably warm and sunny, just cold in the mornings. It’s getting dark though, albeit slowly.

I have finally gotten my BA thesis work rolling again. Pretty close to being done with the draft. Feels good, man. Feels good. I’m also crafting like a fiend! Might post about that in a while.

So what about writing? What have I been up to? Well, I posted on Zero Eight Love last night, and Sunday I submitted my next piece for my crit group, which really just meant a tiny bit of tweaking for this particular part. I also had some really neat ideas for various projects last week. Just one of those weeks I guess. This week I will actually do Flash Fiction Friday and work on my next piece for the crit group which will take more considerably work so I need to start earlier. Other than that… well, thesis is the word. Good night, lovelies!

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