Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?

That’s right, I survived Camp NaNo once again! I even won, reaching my word goal of 50k, which feels pretty dang awesome. Writing this story was a bit of a wild ride; it sprawled all over the place like a well-fed weed. It also decided that it wants to be a graphic novel when it grows up, which is a tad problematic since that’s outside of my own competence. I’m not at all sure what to do with it now, to be honest. I have a few different ideas floating around my head for what format it could take on in future, but I’ve yet to settle on one. The only thing I knew is that it needs a lot more work!


For the last few days, I’ve mostly relaxed and caught up on some things I set aside during Camp. Now it’s time to get back into it, and start working on Dress Rehearsal Rag again. After all, it’s now May and it’s due out in the beginning of June. So in the coming week, I will:

  • Do my daily writing
  • Print Dress Rehearsal Rag, give it another read-through (haven’t read it since I finished this version before Camp) and take notes on what I want to change.
  • Start sorting out the photo for the cover
  • Start planning a small giveaway I’ll host in connection with the release
  • Find someone to do a back- and spine cover for the Print-on-Demand version of Going Home
  • Upload a few haikus on Wattpad
  • Sort out the writing folder in my Dropbox and stick things in their respective Scrivener projects

No real biggies there, except maybe the read-through, but it should keep me pretty busy.

By the way, I sent out my 3rd newsletter yesterday. If you haven’t signed up yet and want to keep up to date with my projects, please use the form at the top of the right-hand menu to sign up!

2 Replies to “Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?”

  1. Congratulations – that’s another milestone under your belt! I know you worked hard though and are very deserving. Looks like you future plans are in place which is great but don’t forget to breathe! 🙂

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