Twice Fortnightly – Here, have a polar bear!

I don’t mention my collection of ball-jointed dolls often here on the blog, but tonight I just have to share a photo of my little polar bear doll (a Fairyland puki event faceplate, in case anyone wants to know). I’ve had here for over a year, but only just painted her and gosh, she turned out so cute. Here’s Metaphora Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Here, have a polar bear!

Twice Fortnightly – Creative Hangover

I’ve had a really great weekend. I was out of town attending a BJD convention . I left Gothenburg brim-full with creative energy and feeling rather spiffy. This morning, however, what I usually call creative hangover struck. I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but sometimes when I’m just practically sparking with energy and then come face to Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Creative Hangover